A current conflict is ofcourse the conflict between North and South Korea. But too look at the historical specter of this conflict we have to go way back in time. The first real conflictt was during the cold war. The two sides of the cold war: USA and Soviet, helped one side each. Soviet tried to impose the communism in the north while USA helped the South to keep their libarelism. Today the two sides are still fighting each other. They are not using letheal powers yet, but I think its just a matter of time before they do. And when or if that happends the whole world will be inwolved. Especially USA who clearly defends and supports the South Koreans.
The dictator in North Korea is called Kim-Jong-Un and he is described by the South Koreans as dangerous and extremely unpredictable. Especially since he the last weeks has armed 6 nuclear rockets. They are constantly moved from the storage to the launching points. Intel from north korea claims that this is an tactique to phsyque out the military forces in USA, who since last Wednesday has been prepared and armed for nuclear war.
Kim Jong-Un has armed several rockets which are ready to fire.
Made by Sigurd Gulbrandsen and Simen Kjellgreen
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