11 april, 2013


By Marie and Øyfrid

Margaret Thatcher was a British conservative politician. She was an educated chemist before she became a lawyer. In 1979 she became the educational and science minister in Edward Heaths’ ministry. In 1975 she won the leadership election and in the same year she also became the first female president in Britain. 

She was called “The Iron Lady” because of her uncompromised politics and her ways of leading the country. She introduced many initiatives to reserve high unemployment. Many became unemployed because of her politics. 

Many people did not like Thatcher’s ideas, but it is because of her that Britain is not in the same position as Greece is today. Even though people did not like her ideas, she lead an uncompromised politic and went through with it anyway. Margaret Thatcher had both many fans, but also many who did not like her. 

Margaret Thatcher died at the 8th of April 2013. The reason of her death was a stroke, and she became 87 years old. The family has said that she had suffered from poor health a lot in the past, but she did not have a painful death.

After Thatcher´s death, many people have greeted her. They think she had a good influence on the country and had taught them a lot during her time of being prime minister. There is also a different side of her death. Many people threw parties and celebrated Thatcher´s death. They are still angry with some of the decisions Thatcher made as a prime minister, and are now celebrating her death. In this way, Margaret Thatcher has also in death divided the nation. While some mourned and planned her funeral, others planned celebration and parties.

Short time after her death, over 190 000 people have liked a website called “isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk”, where the headline is “YES”.

Her funeral will be held at St Paul´s Cathedral next Wednesday. She will be given a ceremony with full military honors. Peter Bone has said that she should have “the greatest kind of funeral that can be allowed”.


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